1. Focus on Single Keyword/Topic
2. Built High-Quality Content
3. Viewer Participation
YouTube is a social media channel, so it's important not to overlook the need for social interaction. If you post a video that doesn't encourage comments and discussions, you're missing out on a trick. YouTube compensates for high-participation channels such as full-time, viewing time, good and dislike, and most important comments sent to the channel. In response to all possible comments (if possible!), Ask the user to join the audio / visual prompt.
4. Branded
Your content is great. But is the channel itself visually appealing? If your visitors take the YouTube channel seriously and want to subscribe to it, they need to look professional. Branding your channel helps users recognize your content immediately. If you have a blog or website, handing over that brand to your YouTube channel is of utmost importance because you may already have some look and feel that you use to differentiate yourself from other individuals or businesses. This is an example of the fashion brand ModCloth. In addition to visual branding, don't forget to add custom URLs to your channel headers and write interesting career stories about who you are and what your videos are.
5. Know the Power of Social Network
Social media is that it will cross-promote your content across different channels. Advertising YouTube videos on other social channels is the easiest way to increase your viewers. What channel are you using? Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest? There are many to choose from. Also, if you have a channel (Facebook, etc.) where you want to publish your videos yourself, you can always do a full-length video teaser on YouTube, so you get optimal engagement across all of your channels. Don't forget your blog. You can even post your videos there!
6. Display
If you run YouTube yourself or as part of a small organization, it is very convenient to have your face displayed on the screen. When you aim your brand face to face, your audience can more easily engage with you as individuals. This is especially important for bloggers. A fitness, life, or business coach. and Solo Planner. You don't have to include a face in every video you make, but every few videos or so you'll need to reach out to your viewers directly. Also, if you are a YouTube user of these types, please use your own photo (no logo) on the channel. See the example of marketing expert Adam Erhart below.
7. Great Thumbnail Posts
Thumbnails can look small, but (this) thumbnails can have a big impact. YouTube wants your video to win the most prominently to advertise other videos via thumbnails in the sidebar. The same applies to YouTube searches. Videos with familiar titles and attractive thumbnails have a high click-through rate (CTR), so even if the content itself has a low value, it usually ranks high. Try using tactics such as highlighted areas, arrows, large text, unexpected images, and unusual images to acquire CTRs in the places you need them. See the following example from Neil Patel.
8. Youtube Card
We already know the fact that there is a channel reward for keeping viewers' pages longer. These long average total durations mean that people are genuinely engaged with your content. (YouTube Analytics allows you to see how long users are staying on your videos.) Adding YouTube cards allows users to add featured videos to the exact location they are currently stopping by. They may give up on that video, but users are drawn to your other content and stay on your channel, increasing your channel rankings.
9. Subscribe to Push
Viewers, One of the ways to ensure that you are engaging with your channel is when you 'subscribe' to watch new videos posted. We continue to interact with existing registered users by asking viewers to register on their own channel for each video they upload. (You can find a list of subscribers here.) Don't pay subscribers. This only hinders your participation and makes your account unreliable in the long run. Unless you ask your viewers to subscribe, you can miss a lot of potential followers.
10. Upload Content Frequently
This chip may sound like a threat at first, but to get more viewers, you need to post more frequently to at least one video per week. please do not worry. You don't need a design company or a flashy advertising budget to perform this task. Today's smartphones have great video recording capabilities, making it easy for anyone to edit videos using tools like Animoto and others. Consistency is paramount. Make sure you post at the same time every day or every week (depending on frequency). It also keeps subscribers up-to-date on when new videos will arrive. Then you have to follow your plan. Don't forget that promoting engagement with quality content fosters and develops highly engaged followers. Your brand advocate! Stay true to yourself and your brand, and communicate with your audience along the way.