
[Tutorial] How to write Math Equation in Blogger or Wordpress Website(Step by Step)

 Writing any language in HTML or website is easy but writing math equations in websites or blogs is a bit tricky. Therefore, I am here to guide you on how can you write a mathematics equation with minimum effort. When I started blogging I was really struggling to write a math equation because if you start writing math equations in HTML then it will take a lot of time and I can't afford that then I started looking for a solution for it. Guess what, I found a MathJax tool in which you just have to symbols icons to write a math equation, and then it will convert the text into HTML which you can copy-paste to your website where you want to add math equation. 

How to write Math Equation in Blogger 

  1. First of Visit the Website of MathJax Tool

  2. Write the math equation using given symbols and equations:
  3. Copy the equation(it will copy HTML code) that you want to use in blogger by selecting and pressing ctrl + c.
  4. Paste the code in the HTML view where you want to add the math equation. Example  1f = 1v + 1u
  5. Now add the following code at the start of your HTML view of the blog post. 

Conclusion: Once you paste the two lines of the above code your math equation will be visible in the correct format. Without these lines, copied code of the equation won't work. If you still struggling to write a math equation in blogger or WordPress, you can comment section. I will try to respond you asap.


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