The Rajasthan Public Service Commission prepares the RAS/RTS Combined Competitive Exam syllabus (RPSC). The main difference between the UPSC Syllabus and the syllabus for state PSC exams is that candidates for states are required to master the subjects from the perspective of the state as well. For instance, if candidates are studying for the RPSC, they also need to study the Rajasthan state's history, economy, geography, politics, and current affairs, as listed in the RAS Syllabus.
There are three stages to the RAS Exam (similar to the UPSC IAS Exam)
RPSC RAS Pre Syllabus
- One Paper
- General Science and Knowledge is the name of the subject.
- 200 Max Marks
- Time: 3 hours
- Negative Marking: Yes (providing 1/3 of the total marks for the question)
- There are 150 questions.
- RAS Pre Exam Date for 2022 Has Not Been Announced
History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition & Heritage of Rajasthan
- Important Events in Rajasthani History, Important Dynasties, and Their Fiscal and Administrative Structure. Sociocultural Problems
- Integration, Political Awakening, and the Freedom Movement
- Important architectural details, including forts and monuments
- Important Works in Rajasthani literature. Arts, Paintings, and Handicrafts. Local dialects: Rajasthani Culture, Traditions, and Heritage; Fairs, Festivals, Folk Music, and Folk Dances
- Saints, Lok devtas, and Religious Movements in Rajasthan.
- Important Tourist Attractions
- Leading Rajasthani Individuals
Indian History
Ancient & Medieval Period:
- Art, culture, literature, and architecture are prominent characteristics and important landmarks of ancient and medieval India.
- The administrative systems of the major dynasties. Social and economic conditions, significant movements.
Modern Period:
- Modern Indian history (from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present)- significant events, personalities, and issues.
- The Freedom Struggle & Indian National Movement- its various stages and important contributors and contributions from different parts of the country.
- Social and Religious Reform movements in the 19th and 20th centuries.
- Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country.
Geography of the World and India
Geography of India
World Geography
Geography of Rajasthan
- Natural Resource of Rajasthan-
- Climate, Natural Vegetation, Forests, Wildlife and Bio-diversity
- Major irrigation projects.
- Mines and Minerals.
- Population.
- Major Industries and Potential for Industrial Development.
Indian Constitution, Political System &Governance
Constitutional Development & Indian Constitution :
Indian Political System and Governance :
Public Policy & Rights
Political and Administrative System of Rajasthan
- Governor, Chief Minister, State Assembly, High Court, Rajasthan Public Service Commission, District Administration, State Human Rights Commission, Lokayukta, State Election Commission, State Information Commission.
- Public Policy, Legal Rights and Citizen Charter. Economic Concepts and Indian Economy Basic Concepts of Economics
- Basic Knowledge of Budgeting, Banking, Public Finance, National Income, Growth and Development Accounting- Concept, Tools and Uses in Administration
- Stock Exchange and Share Market
- Fiscal and Monetary Policies
- Subsidies, Public Distribution System
- e-Commerce
- Inflation- Concept, Impact, and Control Mechanism
Economic Development & Planning: -
- 5-Year Plans - Objectives, Strategies, and Achievements.
- Major Sectors of Economy- Agriculture, Industry, Service, and Trade- Current Status,
- Issues & initiatives.
- Major Economic Problems and Government Initiatives. Economic Reforms and
- Liberalization
Human Resource and Economic Development:-
- Human Development Index
- Poverty and Unemployment:- Concept, Types, Causes, Remedies, and Current
- Flagship Schemes.
Social Justice and Empowerment:-
- Provisions for Weaker Sections.
Economy of Rajasthan
Macro overview of Economy. Major Agricultural, Industrial, and Service Sector Issues. Growth, Development, and Planning. Infrastructure & Resources. Major Development Projects. Programs and Schemes- Government Welfare Schemes for SC/ST/Backward Class/Minorities/Disabled Persons, Destitute, Women, Children, Old Age People, Farmers & Labourers.
Science & Technology
Basics of Everyday Science. Electronics, Computers, Information and Communication Technology. Space Technology including Satellites. Defense Technology. Nanotechnology. The human body, Food, and Nutrition, Health care. Environmental and Ecological Changes and its Impacts. Biodiversity, Biotechnology, and Genetic Engineering. Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, and Animal Husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan. Development of Science and Technology in Rajasthan