Roblox: How to ACTUALLY TURN OFF CHAT in Roblox!!

How to Turn Off Chat in Roblox

Roblox is a fantastic platform for playing a massive variety of games. But sometimes, you might just want to focus on the experience without the constant stream of chat messages. Whether you're playing solo or just need a break from the social aspects, here's how to turn off chat in Roblox on both the website and mobile app.

Quieting Down on the Roblox Website:

  1. Navigate to Account Settings: Log in to your Roblox account and head to the website. Click the gear icon in the top right corner, then select "Settings."
  2. Privacy Controls: Once in Settings, find the "Privacy" tab on the left sidebar. This is where you'll manage who can interact with you on Roblox.
  3. Silence the Chat: Look for the section titled "Who can chat with me in app?" Here, you'll see a dropdown menu. Click on it and choose "No one." This effectively disables chat functionality for anyone trying to message you.
  4. Save the Settings: Once you've selected "No one," don't forget to scroll down and click the "Save" button to confirm your changes.

Muting the Mobile App:

  1. Access Settings: Open the Roblox mobile app and tap the three dots in the bottom right corner. This opens up a menu with various options. Select "Settings" from this menu.
  2. Privacy Controls: Just like on the website, you'll find a "Privacy" section within the Settings menu. Tap on it to manage your chat visibility.
  3. Silence the Chat: Under the heading "Who can chat with me," you'll see a similar dropdown menu as on the website. Tap on it and choose "No one" to disable chat functionality entirely.

Remember to Save: After making your selection, ensure you exit the Settings menu for the changes to take effect.

Additional Notes:

  • These settings only affect who can initiate chat conversations with you. You won't be able to see chat messages from other players either.
  • If you want to chat again later, simply return to the Privacy settings and change "Who can chat with me" back to your preferred option (e.g., Friends).
  • Disabling chat might affect gameplay in certain games that rely on communication and teamwork.

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy a peaceful Roblox experience without the distractions of chat. Now you can focus on building, exploring, and conquering those in-game challenges! 

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